Soma is
the sublime
of healing
of healing
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A nourishing + therapuetic terpene infused tincture providing essential daily support.
Battery, charger and cartridge with botanical blend of 'Strawberry Shortcake' terpenes.
Plant formula melts to naturally reduce discomfort and enhance relaxation + sexual pleasure.
Cartridge blend of uplifting + creative tropical terpenes from the 'Maui Wowie' strain.
A nourishing + therapuetic terpene infused tincture providing essential daily support.
Battery, charger and cartridge with botanical blend of 'Strawberry Shortcake' terpenes.
Plant formula melts to naturally reduce discomfort and enhance relaxation + sexual pleasure.
Cartridge blend of uplifting + creative tropical terpenes from the 'Maui Wowie' strain.
We're on a mission to offer healthier holistic plant-based solutions to enhance wellness and sexual health by following natures design with our all natural formulas allowing you to upgrade your daily wellbeing and transform intimacy in the bedroom.
Soma is beyond one translation or meaning as it is made of the mystery. It is often translated as the nectar of longevity as both a literal elixir as well as one's inner nectar.
Does your bedroom turn you on? Here's some tips and tricks tofeng shui your bedroom for better sex.
Learn a few yummy ways how fostering a deeper intimacy with oneself can instil many benefits to your life.
Learn how our range of CBD products can nurture + soothe Endo flare ups.
Learn how cannabidiol products can nurture & support your mental health.
A dive into the health and benefits of masturbation and why it's essential for your wellbeing.
Wondering why hemp melts exist and what they can bring to the table?